Our programme
Our programme is guided by Te Whāriki, the Early Childhood Curriculum which is made up of five strands – Wellbeing, belonging, contribution, communication, and exploration.
Tamariki are free to discover through real life experiences while developing relationships and appreciation for the environment, including sustainable practices.

Our Philosophy
At Milly’s we believe in growing respectful, trusting and loving relationships with our tamariki. We have created a nurturing space where our tamariki can enjoy a sense of security and belonging. These are core beliefs, ideals that encourage engagement in quality learning that all tamariki have a right to experience.
Through observations and continued professional development our passionate Kaiako understand how to support each taitamaiti in their learning journey and how, as it is with nature, tamariki will flourish at their own natural pace. We are committed to empowering tamariki by encouraging taitamaiti initiated free play within an evolving curriculum. This allows tamariki to learn and develop independently and alongside their peers. Our philosophy and vision is based on the belief that tamariki are self-motivated learners thereby fostering the foundation for life-long learning.
We are committed to authentic bi-cultural practice that grows from acknowledgement and respect for both Te tiriti o Waitangi and our early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki.
We take pride in providing a beautiful environment indoors and outdoors where many natural and recycled resources are freely available for tamariki to experience wonder, creativity, exploration and fun. Real life experiences such as gardening, recycling, baking/cooking, collecting eggs and animal care are some of the regular sustainable features in our kindergarten programme. This provides wonderful opportunities for sharing, caring and achievement. Our Kaiako are strong in the belief that the availability of outdoor play in most weather is essential for developing a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Our unique and peaceful setting within a rural community enriches our kindergarten beautifully. Our tamariki will all have opportunity to participate in routines, rituals and cultural events. Harmonious relationships with our kaitiaki and whanau are highly valued and encouraged. Ideas, suggestions and input are welcomed and respected.
Kohikohia ngᾱ kᾱkano, whakaritea te pᾱrakereke, kia puᾱwai ngᾱ hua
Gather the seeds, prepare the seedbed carefully, and you will be gifted with an abundance of food, (Te Whatu Pokeka).

What children learn at Milly's - A brief snap shot
Children’s exploration with their environment plays an important role in providing experiences that are beneficial for children. Research shows that children up to the age of 7 learn best through exploratory play.
Our philosophy at Milly’s is based on “free-play”. Free-play is when a child engages in self-lead exploration of an environment or topic, that is chosen by the individual and uninterrupted so that the child can explore and learn at their own level of development. Our role as teachers is to observe and ensure that the resources are chosen carefully and provided so that children have a large range of tools on hand to enhance and carry out their exploratory play.
At Milly’s resources are natural, real and recycled treasures, such as cable drums, hoses, tyres, planks, bungee ties, log rounds, crates, pellets, etc. These types of materials allow experiences and exploratory play to unfold, allowing the child to use large motor skills to gain confidence, independence and self-awareness of their abilities to manage risk, work with their peers and resolve conflicts. These resources and materials are open ended and do not have a defined purpose which allow children to create whatever they want with them (i.e. they are not already a pirate ship or a fairy house). Children can move and manipulate these materials, explore their uses, be creative and imaginative, and are able to develop problem solving skills.
Other resources supplied at Milly’s are real pots, pans, bottles, tea cups and sauces. Yes, real china! Children can role play and use their imagination, cooking and enjoying tea parties with their friends. They are trusted with these real materials so that they learn respect for breakable items and learn to appreciate their careful use. If there is an accident they understand and develop the skills and techniques to look after themselves. Pouring, measuring, using tongs, etc, develops a child’s fine motor skills and playing alongside their friends develops communication and social skills.
Milly’s garden is laden with fruit trees and we have a chicken coop to collect our own eggs. Vegetable gardening and cooking is a daily event. The children grow their own vegetables and fruit from seeds, take care of blossoming plants and enjoy their produce when harvested. Through gardening and baking/cooking children learn many skills including maths and science concepts.
Children deserve a beautiful environment and at Milly’s we take the time to ensure the play space is attractive with fresh flowers on each table and clean, hygienic resources are provided to the best of our ability. Children are encouraged and guided when necessary to care for themselves through routines such as getting dressed, toileting and looking after their belongings. Independence, responsibility and self-confidence is developed through these everyday practices
Our teachers understand and role model respectful relationships towards each other, the children, parents and whānau. Respectful communication is evidenced through listening, showing interest and displaying empathy. Our teachers’ role is to prepare the environment and to guide children, when they invite us to guide them. Teachers can do this by offering open ended questions to allow a child to problem-solve and come up with their own solutions, whether this may be to resolve a conflict or complete a task.
At Milly’s you will find your children engaged in play - they are busy creating, problem solving, developing fine and large motor skills, improving confidence, building relationships, communicating and negotiating with their peers. These skills are the foundation for lifelong learning and they are learnt through play and children require these skills first - before any ‘formal learning’.
This is only a snapshot of how learning “happens” at Milly’s Educare. Every moment is a learning opportunity and with our experienced, passionate professionals in a beautiful natural environment we are proud to contribute to children’s development and be an integral part of their learning journey.